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double data type in Java

The double data type is also a floating point number. It is called double because it has a double-precision decimal number.   The double data type is a floating point number. It is double precision data type The range is 4.9406564584124654 x...

The print and println methods in Java

The print() and println() methods are Java's predefined methods used to display text output on the console. These methods are part of the Java API. The print and println methods are used to print string of characters  onto the console The print...

float data type in Java

It is a floating point number. It has single precision data type. It stores a floating point number of 7 digits of accuracy. The float data type is a floating point number. It has single precision data type The float type is stored in 32 bits of...

long integer data type

The long data type is a type of integer data type just like int, byte and short. However, long has 64 bits of memory. That's , it's the largest of all the integer values. The long data type is an integer. long comprises 64 bits of memory. It has...


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