Difference Between Absolute and Relative References in HTML A relative reference does not specify the complete path to a web page. It specifies only the name of the web page. comment(s) An absolute reference or url contains all the information necessary to locate a...
Block And Inline Level Tags in HTML Block elements start on a new line and end with a carriage return. That’s, immediately after ending on a horizontal space, next block element goes to nest line. nanadwumor comment(s) A block level element is like a...
Variables and Literals in Java Variables are used in many situations. For Instance, game applications use variables to collect your name when you sign in; to store and keep track of your number of trials, successes and failures. comment(s) In Java, a variable is a...
Selecting a browser for HTML5 development Google’s Chrome browser is simple to use and has the most up-to-date HTML5 features making it easier for developers. It also has pretty good developer tools. We recommend you use this browser to learn HTML5 comment(s)...
The documentclass and its optional arguments Optional arguments in LaTeX are enclosed in square brackets. In our Hello World example, we passed the compulsory argument article to the documentclass command. nanadwumor comment(s) LaTeX has compulsory arguments which...
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