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Block And Inline Level Tags in HTML

Block elements start on a new line and end with a carriage return. That’s, immediately after ending on a horizontal space, next block element goes to nest line.


June 14, 2023

Block And Inline Level Tags in HTML

  • A block level element is like a container. It can contain other elements.
  • Examples of block level elements include header (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) , paragraph tag <p>, <div> etc

  • Inline elements stay in line with other elements without occupying a fresh line.
  • Examples of inline elements are <a>, <strong>, <span>


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HTML tags can be generally categorized in two groups. These are block level and Inline level tags. There are more block level elements in HTML than inline elements.

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Block level elements

A block level element is like a container. It can contain other elements. Visually, block level elements occupy the whole horizontal stretch of a space in a browser. Examples of block level elements include header (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) , paragraph tag <p>, <div> etc

Block elements start on a new line and end with a carriage return. That’s, immediately after ending on a horizontal space, next block element goes to nest line. 

For example,

<p>This is first line of text</p>

<p>This is second line of text</p> <p>This is third line of text</p>


This is first line of text

This is second line of text

This is third line of text

We notice that each line of text delimited by <p> occupies a different space. Even when paragraph three begins immediately after paragraph two, we still see paragraph three moved to a different line.

Inline Elements

As the name suggests, inline elements stay in line with other elements without occupying a fresh line. They are in line. 

That’s, inline elements are displayed on the same line. They do not start on a new line. They take up as much width as their contents require. 

Examples of inline elements are <a>, <strong>, <span> etc


Block And Inline Level Tags in HTML

In the above example, we see two <span> tags staying in same line with each other as well as the <p> tag. 

Most HTML tags used for formatting are inline. Examples include <strong>, <em>, etc.

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