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2 HTML is short for HyperText Mark-up language. HTML is used to write the content of a website. It is called a HyperText because the text have links or hyperlinks to other texts. It is called a mark-up language because the language uses tags to mark text as specific...
HTML5 section element – How to use it

HTML5 section element – How to use it

Elements | html HTML5 section element – How to use it The <section> element was introduced in HTML5. It wraps an area of content or page that almost always requires a heading. nanadwumor December 18, 2021 Share this article more The  <section>...
The dl tag, the definition list, in HTML5

The dl tag, the definition list, in HTML5

The dl tag, the definition list, in HTML5 The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with two other tags. These are and <dt> which means data term  and <dd> which means data definition or description.  comment(s) The <dl> is a definition or...
How To Make Lists Of Links

How To Make Lists Of Links

How To Make Lists Of Links If you want to create a list of unordered links, you nest the <a> tag in <ul>. Similarly, to create a list of ordered links, you nest the <a> tag in <ol> tag.  comment(s) <a> nested in <ul> tag creates...
The Unordered List, ul tag, in HTML5

The Unordered List, ul tag, in HTML5

The Unordered List, ul tag, in HTML5 There are basically four types of markers used to list unordered list.  comment(s) <ul> tag in html is used to list items in no particular order The <ul> tag lists items and they are marked with bullets the type...
The ordered list, ol tag, in HTML5

The ordered list, ol tag, in HTML5

The ordered list, ol tag, in HTML5 An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Typically, <ol> is rendered as a numbered list.  comment(s) <ol> tag in html is used to list items in order start attribute of <ol> defines where marker value...