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float data type in Java

It is a floating point number. It has single precision data type. It stores a floating point number of 7 digits of accuracy.


May 31, 2023

Primitive Data types.-float

  • The float data type is a floating point number.
  • It has single precision data type
  • The float type is stored in 32 bits of memory just like int.


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A floating point number is a number with a fractional part or decimal component. These types of numbers are needed in certain situations. Example, if you write a program that calculates precise quantities, you will need decimal points in your number. This is called floating point number in programming.

In Java, the float and double data types are used for floating point numbers.

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It is a floating point number. It has single precision data type. It stores a floating point number of 7 digits of accuracy. 

This implies that if we get past six decimal points, the number becomes less precise and more of an estimate.

The float type is stored in 32 bits of memory just like int. 8 bits make a byte. Thus, float has 4 bytes of memory. 

Despite having same bits of memory as int, float has a different range from the int. This is due to its floating decimal point.

This type can represent positive and negative numbers. It has a range of 1.40239846 x 10-45 and  3.40282347 x 1038. 

The default value of a float is 0.0 but not 0 as in int.

Declaring an float variable

We declare floats the same as any other type :

float age;

float height;

Alternatively, you can also declare all float variables in a row. That’s,

float age, height, weight;

Program demonstrates float data type


program demonstrates the float data type

Note that we added f or F to the end of the float literals. In Java, every floating number is by default treated as a double. Adding f or F to the value tells the compiler that it is a float but not a double. If we fail to add f or F, Java will throw an error. Example:

float height=40.5; //error

Height is a float variable but 40.5 is resolved into a double by the compiler by default. This creates an error.

You cannot store a double (which has a bigger memory range) into a float.

You should attach either f or F to the value to explicitly make the number a float.

float height=40.5f; //correct

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