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Block And Inline Level Tags in HTML

Block elements start on a new line and end with a carriage return. That's, immediately after ending on a horizontal space, next block element goes to nest line. A block level element is like a container. It can contain other elements. Examples of...

Selecting a browser for HTML5 development

Google's Chrome browser is simple to use and has the most up-to-date HTML5 features making it easier for developers. It also has pretty good developer tools. We recommend you use this browser to learn HTML5 Chrome Firefox Opera Apple Safari...

Top 10 HTML5 formatting tags

HTML offers a range of elements for formatting text. HTML formatting tags include : <b> - Bold text <strong> - Important text <i> - Italic text <em> - Emphasized tex <mark> - Marked tex <small> - Smaller text <del> - Deleted...

HTML form tag

The <form></form> tag is a container for form elements. The form element itself isn’t usually a visible part of the page. It can however be with the help of CSS. HTML <form> tag is used to collect data from users The form element...


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