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HTML5 footer element – How to use it

The <footer> element is a new element introduced in HTML5. As the name suggests, the <footer> element is typically located at the foot or bottom of the page.


May 27, 2023
footer element

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The <footer> element is a new element introduced in HTML5. As the name suggests, the <footer> element is typically located at the foot or bottom of the page. However, this is not always the case. If the <footer> is located at the foot or bottom of the page, then it typically contains content about the author or site owner, copyright data, website terms and conditions, privacy policy etc.

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Syntax of <footer> element


Program to demonstrate a footer at the bottom of the page


footer at bottom of page

The <footer >element at bottom of page and in article


The footer element at bottom of page and in article

Program to demonstrate the use of CSS to style a footer


Program to demonstrate the use of CSS to style a footer

Global Attributes

The <footer> element supports the global attributes in HTML

Event Attributes

The <footer> element supports the event attributes in HTML

Default CSS Settings

The default CSS setting in most browsers is as below:

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