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int data type in Java

The int data type is an integer. int is short for Integer. int holds non-fractional or non-decimal values.


May 27, 2023

Primitive Data types-int

  • The int data type is an integer.
  • int is short for Integer
  • int values are stored in Java using 32 bits of memory.


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The int data type is an integer. int is short for Integer. int holds non-fractional or non-decimal values.

int values are stored in Java using 32 bits of memory. That’s, an int value can hold values from -2,147,483,648  to 2,147,483,647.

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Declaring an int variable

An int variable can be declared by writing int first and writing the variable name after space character.

int age;

int height;

int weight;

Alternatively, you can also declare all int variables in a row. That’s,

int age, height, weight;

Program demonstrates int data type


Program demonstrates int data type

Explanation of code

Two variables, amount and remaining, are declared as int. The two are later assigned values. amount is assigned a positive value, 400 while remaining is assigned a negative number, -30.

Note that int values can hold negative numbers just like in math, integers do.

Alternatively, we could have declared amount and remaining on the same line because they’re all int data types.

int amount, remaining;

Besides, we could have initialized or set their values at the same time as we declared them.

int amount=400, remaining=-30;

Let’s take a look at a program that declared the similar data types on a line and initialize them at the same time to save us from typing too many characters.

Program demonstrates declaring int types on one line and initializing them


Program demonstrates int data type

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