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Java – What are Default methods in interface?

A default method is static and not abstract. It’s static means it belongs to the interface itself.


May 25, 2023

Default methods in Interface

  • In Java 8, default methods were introduced.
  • default method is non-abstract and static method of an interface
  • when a class implements an interface, it overrides its methods and provides implementation for it


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A default method is a non-abstract, static method of an interface with implementation. That’s a default method is not abstract.

It belongs to the interface itself, not an instance of it (an interface cannot be instantiated) and has a body of code that can be executed by any implementing class.

Note that, when a class implements an interface, it overrides its methods and provides implementation for it. However, because a default method has implementation already, implementing classes normally don’t override them although they can.

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Methods of interface were formerly all abstract methods. However, in Java 8, default methods were introduced.

A default method is static and not abstract. It’s static means it belongs to the interface itself.

Why was default method introduced in Java 8?

If an interface is implemented by a class, the class must override all of the interface’s methods and provides implementation for it.

Suppose you create an interface which is implemented by a class today. And in the future, you decide to add new features to the interface. The moment you add any new method to the interface, your classes that implement this interface must provide methods to override them.

Assume this interface is implemented by thousands of classes. Then you’d have to provide implementation for the new interface method in all the thousands of classes. That would be a nightmare. Isn’t it?

And if you fail to implement this new method in all the classes, the code will break down. Introducing default methods prevented this code breakdown because there will be no need to provide implement for a default method.

Instead of adding another abstract method that would require implementation from all the classes that implemented the interface, it will be efficient to add a default method because that won’t call for implementation from the thousand classes that implement the interface.

Program demonstrates default method

The interface is called Phone. It has two methods which are call() and message(). These methods are all abstract without any implementation.

Let’s look at two classes that implement the Phone interface. These are AndroidPhone and iPhone.

AndroidPhone class

Iphone class

Now, AndroidPhone class and iPhone class will implement the Phone interface.

Now, suppose years later, I realize that my classes – AndroidPhone and iPhone and any other class that provides similar function must be able to play computer game. Let’s call the method that ensures this function, playGame().

To ensure that all classes obey this new function, I have to add the new method to my Phone interface because this will force all classes to implement this new function.

There’s only one problem. The moment I add this new method to my interface, it’ll break my code written in the past. There will be an error unless I manually go through all the many classes that implement the Phone interface and implement this playGame() method in it. Imagine if I had about 1,000+ classes that implement the Phone interface. Horrific, isn’t it?

To ensure that I get this playGame() method or function in my code without breaking it or without having to go into each of the class one by one to implement it, I add a default method to the interface instead of an abstract method.

So, you see – a default method was introduced in Java 8 to solve the case of backward compatibility. Now let’s look at how this can be done.

Program demonstrates default method introduced in an interface to achieve a new functionality without breaking the code

Now, let’s look at the full program.

AndroidPhone and iPhone class implement the Phone interface


default methods in Java

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