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The dl tag, the definition list, in HTML5

The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with two other tags. These are and <dt> which means data term  and <dd> which means data definition or description.


May 23, 2023

  • The <dl> is a definition or description list tag
  • The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with two other tags. These are and <dt> which means data term  and <dd> which means data definition or description.


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The <dl> is a definition or description list tag. It displays items just as it is in dictionary. dl is short for definition list.

The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with two other tags. These are and <dt> which means data term  and <dd> which means data definition or description.

The <dt> delimits the data term or word to define. The <dd> delimits the description of the data.



html </p>
<dl> tag

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For example,


html </p>
<dl> tag example

The <dl> , although was designed to format dictionary style definitions, is very useful in a name and value pair list. 

The standard layout of the <dl> or definition list indents each definition description. 

However, you can change the layout of the default definition list to any different layout of your choice using CSS.

Example 1: This CSS code boldens and underlines the data term.

For example, We see HTML in bold face and underlined. The CSS also removes the default indentation of the data description (dd)) by setting margin and left-padding to 0.


html </p>
<dl> tag example with css

Example 2:


html </p>
<dl>tag example with css

Example 3: We can use the CSS Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox).


html </p>
<dl> tag example with css

No bullets used by <dl> tag

Unlike the <ul> or <ol> tag, the <dl> tag doesn’t use bullets or numbers.

Common uses of the <dl> tag

The <dl> tag can be used for

  • a list marked by key terms,but not than bullets or numbers.
  • forms,

  • figures with captions, etc

Supporting Browsers

Browser Status
Chrome Yes
Internet Explorer Yes
Opera Yes
Safari Yes
Firefox Yes

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