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The ordered list, ol tag, in HTML5

An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Typically, <ol> is rendered as a numbered list.


May 19, 2023

HTML5 - ordered list tag

  • <ol> tag in html is used to list items in order
  • start attribute of <ol> defines where marker value should sart
  • type attribute of <ol> defines the type of marker to use, whether 1,23..,ab,c,…, i,ii,iii,…etc
  • reversed attribute reverses numbering of the marker


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The <ol> tag in html is used to list items in order. ol is short for ordered list

Unlike the <ul> tag, the <ol> tag is recommended if items are to be listed in a particular order.

An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Typically, <ol> is rendered as a numbered list.


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For example,


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag output

Attributes of <ol> tag


The <ol> tag has an attribute called start. This attribute allows you to specify which value the numbering should begin from. For example, we can let our list above to start number from 13 instead of the default 1.


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag start at 13 number


The type attribute specifies the marker to use. That’s, whether to use 1,2,3 or a,b,c or A,B,C or i, ii, iii or I, II, III  etc


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag type attribute

Example 2:


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag type attribute Example 2

Example 3:


HTML -</p>
<ol> tag type attribute Example 3

Example 4:


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag type attribute Example 4


As the name suggests, the reversed attribute reverses the numbering pattern.

That’s, the list items are rendered in reverse order, from the highest number to the lowest.

For example, if the items in the list are 6, they are numbered in descending order as 6,5,4,3,2,1.

You don’t need to specify any value for the reversed attribute. If you specify any value, it will be neglected.This is because HMTL must count the number of items automatically and start numbering in reverse order. This is to avoid any conflict in the event you happen to give a wrong value. For example, if you happen to give, say 4, to a list that is more than or less than 4.

HTML - </p>
<ol> tag reversed attribute

You don’t need to specify any value for the reversed attribute. If you specify any value, it will be neglected. This is because HMTL must count the number of items automatically and start numbering in reverse order. This is to avoid any conflict in the event you happen to give a wrong value.

For example, if you happen to give say 6, to a list that has just four items, it will be an error. In the example below, reversed is assigned the value 6 for a list that contains only four items. It is evident that the value 6 is ignored and the reverse numbering is automatically done correctly.


HTML - </p>
<ol> tag reversed attribute

You can create a list of ordered or unordered links by nesting the <a> tag within the <ol> or <ul> tag respectively.

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